Push-Downs (Cable)

Performance Description
  1. Stand before the cable apparatus and grasp the desired attachment with an overhand grip (thumbs facing one another).
  2. Keeping the elbows at the body's side, press the weight downward while exhaling throughout the movement.
  3. Slowly allow the weight to rise until the forearms are parallel to the ground, inhaling throughout the negative motion.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for as many sets as are desired. (Sets should generally fall between 3 to 6 with 6-12 repetitions).
Primary Muscle(s)
Triceps (Triceps Brachii: Lateral Head)
Triceps (Triceps Brachii: Long Head)
Triceps (Triceps Brachii: Medial Head)
Secondary Muscle(s)
Forearms (Anconeus)
Forearms (Flexor: Carpi Ulnaris)
Tertiary Muscle(s)
Abdominals (Rectus Abdominis)
Forearms (Flexor: Carpi Radialis)
Forearms (Flexor: Carpi Ulnaris)
Forearms (Flexor: Digitorum Profundus)
Forearms (Flexor: Digitorum Superficialis)
Forearms (Flexor: Pollicis Longus)
Obliques (External Oblique)
Further Clarification

As with most cable exercises, triceps push-downs are good for toning and isolating, and, furthermore, are especially good for beginners or placed at the latter part of the workout (for the triceps portion of the workout, at least). This being said, with enough weight push-downs can serve as a mass building exercise. When performing push-downs with heavier weights it is acceptable and recommended to lean forward.

To place more focus on the lateral head of the triceps, use the rope attachment. The rope attachment allows for the elbows to be turned to face outward at the bottom of the pressing motion; it is this characteristic of the rope attachment that enables the lateral head of the triceps to be better targeted.

Note: There are several different grip attachments which can be used, each will direct focus to different parts of the muscle groups.

The standard cable attachments that are used with this exercise are:

  • Straight Bar
  • Easy Curl Bar
  • Single Grip
  • Rope
Exercise Position(s)
Standing, Kneeling
Considered An Exercise In The Following Categories