Why Everyone Is So Obessed With The Lower Abdominals

April 16, 2012
Blog Author

I keep seeing more and more articles around the Internet about how to get "fantastic abs" or "the 3 secrets to a flat tummy". People are addicted to their abs, primarily the lower abdominal muscles. This is not an addiction limited to solely focusing on them with lower ab exercises but also the physical appearance aspect often associated with them. I understand wanting to look good, who doesn't? But to try and improve a part of your body without a complete fitness program to achieve this, you are most likely wasting your time.

Step 1: Take a look at what you are eating
This is one of the easiest and first things you should do, even before you start a program of lower ab exercises. Cut out processed foods, carbohydrates that offer little to no nutritional value (think soda and candy), and focus on drinking water. Replace the processed foods and inferior carbohydrates with high protein and high fiber foods to make you feel fuller longer. This will aid in controlling food cravings.

Step 2: Create your exercise program
Start off easy and do not try to over do it. Pushing your body too hard too fast can result in injury, therefore setting you back however long it takes your body to heal. I highly recommend starting out with leg raises. They are a simple and highly effective exercise. Be sure keep your lower back pressed firmly against the ground to prevent strain. Once you feel confident in your abdominal ability, you can move on to more challenging exercises or increase the amount of repetitions per set.

Step 3: Cardio is king
Building muscle is simply not enough to have great looking abs, you need to include cardio to burn excess calories. This is especially true for men who tend to gain weight in the abdomen via visceral fat. Man or woman, you must burn more calories than you eat to lose weight, there is no way around that and there are no shortcuts.

These three steps will get you going in the right direction. Always be patient with any exercise program, do not rush it. If you don't see results in a couple weeks, do not be discouraged, keep at it, you will get there.

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