What NOT To Do When Spotting Someone

April 2, 2012
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It was Friday night (my favorite night to workout) at the gym and things were pretty low-key. I was setting up to perform some military press (with barbell) sets when across the way, I saw something that I found a little on the humorous side. Two guys who were also performing military press with the main differences being that they were on an adjustable weight bench and that they were using dumbbells. The humorous element arrived when it came to the one guy spotting the other. Guy A was performing the exercise while guy B was spotting. During the entire set that guy A was executing, guy B was on his cell phone doing who knows what.

If you're going to be a spotter or a workout buddy, be sure to give your attention to your partner when it is needed. If someone is lifting half their body weight over their head, pay attention while they are lifting. While it is true, guy A could have dropped the dumbbells if need be to prevent personal injury, although that does not protect others from the flying dumbbells. Beyond the safety aspect, guy A could have received a lot more benefit from his routine if guy B was properly spotting and assisting on the last few repetitions to push guy A beyond his limits.

There is a time and a place to check your cell phone and it is not while your partner is mid-set. You are at the gym to workout, not to socialize or check your email. Do that before or after the workout. Keep your mind focused on the task at hand and you will find yourself reaching greater lifting results.

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