3 Simple Tips To Help Control Your Appetite

April 9, 2012
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Appetite control is a very important aspect to weight control. I say weight control instead of weight loss because even once the weight is gone; you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep the weight from coming back. Many people say that 70% of weight control is nutrition and I would absolutely agree with them. Controlling what goes in your body has an enormous impact on how much you weigh as well as energy levels. For those on a quest to drop some pounds before summer arrives, whether it be through running or various exercises, you may have noticed that you are experiencing hunger more often. This is a direct result of burning more calories doing the aforementioned activities and your body is trying to replenish its fuel reserves. This is the best opportunity to drop some pounds as the body knows it is calorie negative (when you are using more calories than you are consuming in a day), hence the hunger. I should mention, this is not about starving yourself, this is about controlling your appetite. You should have a clearly defined daily meal plan with all calories accounted for throughout the day. These tips are only meant to help control the cravings in between meals, not avoiding food completely. Let's take a look at some simple ways to subdue this hunger and stay on track to reach our goals.

Tip #1: Water is your best friend

Coming in at a hefty 0 calories, water can make you feel full even when you are not. Not only is water a 0 calorie beverage, it is also needed to build muscle, support bodily functions, and help expel waste. Clean water is highly accessible in most developed countries so there is no reason not to drink up!

Tip #2: Chew away your pounds

After a nice glass of water, try popping a stick of gum in your mouth. You can usually get at least a good hour out of one stick before having to replace and hopefully this is enough time to get you to your next meal. Most gum is low in sugar or contains none at all. The gum with sugar in it serves a benefit for those with a weakness for sweets. By getting this little sugar fix, the cravings for sweet treats will lessen, especially when sweets have been cut out to drop the weight.

Tip #3: Don't stock junk food

This tip is easily forgotten but probably the most important. If you want to stay away from specific foods, then do not purchase them. Let me put it this way, is it easier to eat the ice cream sitting in the freezer just a few steps away or would it be easier to go out to the local ice cream shop and buy a scoop. Anytime you introduce a barrier between you and the food, it reduces the likelihood of indulging in that treat.

These tips will only assist you in your mission. You must have the will power from within to fully resist the temptations out there.

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