Angled Leg Press (Machine)
Performance Description
- Before adding weight, adjust the footplate so that from a seated position the legs will be slightly bent when the feet are on the footplate.
- Ensure that the back is positioned against the backrest of the machine and assume the desired foot positioning (check the 'Further Clarification' section below for more information). From here on out the abdominals should be tightened.
- Press with the legs, then using the handle(s) release the safety bar (ensure that the knees are not locked out, but just short of being so). This is the starting position.
- Lower the weight so that the thighs either touch or nearly touch the torso (as low as is comfortable), inhaling throughout the movement.
- Press the weight back to the starting position, exhaling throughout the movement.
- Repeat steps 4-5 for the desired amount of repetitions, and when done do not forget to re-engage the safety bar.
Primary Muscle(s)
Buttocks (Gluteus Maximus)
Buttocks (Gluteus Medius)
Thighs (Quadriceps: Rectus Femoris)
Thighs (Quadriceps: Vastus Intermedius)
Thighs (Quadriceps: Vastus Lateralis)
Thighs (Quadriceps: Vastus Medialis)
Secondary Muscle(s)
Hamstrings (Biceps Femoris: Long Head)
Hamstrings (Biceps Femoris: Short Head)
Inner Thighs (Adductor: Brevis)
Inner Thighs (Adductor: Longus)
Inner Thighs (Adductor: Magnus)
Inner Thighs (Adductor: Pectineus)
Further Clarification
Things To Look Out For
Exercise Position(s)
Considered An Exercise In The Following Categories