The Cure For The Day-After Super Bowl Blues

February 6, 2012
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The big game is over and so is the festival of food and drink. With well over 100 million people having viewed the game, you can imagine most were at parties or at a minimum, treating themselves to some delicious party type foods from their own homes. The issue with these foods is that they are usually loaded with fat and therefore, hard to digest, which can wreak havoc on energy levels the following day.

The best thing you can do the day after an event of eating and drinking such as this is to drink some water to rehydrate. This allows your body to do what it needs to do in order to get back to a level of normal functioning. The second step, if you are feeling sluggish, is to go for a walk. A quick 15-20 minutes will work wonders for you. It will burn off some of that extra calories that were consumed as well as get your heart pumping and blood flowing, leading you to a more awakened state.

What is not recommended would be to perform a large amount of lower ab exercises in an attempt to reduce a (hopefully) temporary bulge in the lower stomach region from eating and drinking so much. This can happen when large amounts of difficult to digest foods are eaten and gas is created. Performing any exercises with the abdominals may be uncomfortable or even painful. It is best to wait an additional day before targeting the abs again. That being said though, if you have the energy, the rest of the body is fair game for weight training.

For the next few days, try to plan out some healthy meals. Many folks may have large quantities of leftovers which may cause further bodily drag. While I would never advocate wasting perfectly good food, try to finish the leftovers off in a reasonable fashion; no need to completely gorge and have a relapse. Have some of that delicious dip as a small appetizer to your healthy dinner or finish the meal off with a petite portion of that special dessert.

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